by Tris Brown | Feb 15, 2023 | NEW MANAGER TRAINING
Unfortunately, Some Managers Do Not Delegate When It Matters Most Delegation at work isn’t just about giving other people work so you, the leader, aren’t burdened with it. Effective delegation becomes a force multiplier. It allows you to drive results through other...
by Tris Brown | Sep 15, 2022 | NEW MANAGER TRAINING
First Impressions We’ve all experienced the power of first impressions, for better or for worse. For those taking on a new leadership role, that split second evaluation by your new team matters. As Daniel Kahneman, the Nobel Prize winner known for his work on the...
by Tris Brown | Jun 19, 2022 | NEW MANAGER TRAINING
Does Your Organization Know How to Lead People During Change? Organizational change is a shift from the status quo at work at the individual, team, or company-wide level. Though organizational change may be perceived as positive in the eyes of those leading it, change...
by Tris Brown | May 17, 2022 | NEW MANAGER TRAINING
When Under Pressure Stress affects behavior most often in a negative way. Though stress is not limited to one’s circumstances, leaders who carry responsibility not only for themselves but also for their teams certainly experience stress as they fulfill their role in...
by Tris Brown | Apr 13, 2022 | NEW MANAGER TRAINING
The Concept of Influence Most organizations and teams run on influence because they are made up of people with different experiences, styles, relationships, skills, and perspectives. Whether you are a team leader or a team member, your success is highly dependent...