New Manager Training and Development Best Practices from LSA Global, Inc.


Best Practices
Photo of Man Yelling at Woman. New Manager and Supervisor Training Research & Published Insights from LSA Global, Inc

New Manager and Supervisor Training Research & Published Insights

It is likely you are all too familiar with the workplace adage: “Employees don’t leave their job or company, they leave their manager.” The reality is that bad managers do exist and are more prevalent than most people thought.

Read Are 2 in 5 New Managers at Your Company Bad Bosses? Why should you care? to learn the true impact of a bad boss and what you should do about it.

Download New Manager White Paper

New Supervisor & New Manager Featured Workshop

New Manager 101 – the Fundamentals

New Supervisor and New Manager Training: The 5 Disciplines of Effectively Managing Others

This two-day, interactive and customized new manager workshop provides a first step toward building the core management skills and competencies that enable managers to improve performance, engagement and retention.

New Supervisor and New Manager Training

Image of a group of young, diverse, new managers and new supervisors; New Manager and Supervisor Training Research & Published Insights from LSA Global, Inc
Image of a man walking up a staircase. Link to a page on LSA about how to transition from an individual contributor to a manager.

6 Management Best Practices that Make All the Difference

Becoming a Great New Manager

New manager superstars are rare. But managers play a critical role.  Effective managers are able to build high performing teams while developing the next generation of top talent. Read about what these superstars do to get high performance that the rest of us miss.

Image of a businessman drawing graphics. Link to a page on LSA called The Business Side of Managing: A Survivor’s Guide.

5 Warning Signs that Your Managers Are Falling Behind Strategically

Are Your Managers Falling Behind Strategically?

Too many companies exclude managers from the very strategic planning and implementation processes required for them to excel.  If your managers are not clear about the strategic direction of the company, their ability to lead, set priorities and make trade-offs is severely hampered.

Image of a man pointing to words like skills, knowledge, and education. Link to a page on LSA about how to develop top talent.

7 Actions to Create Alignment with Goals

The Management Actions to Create Alignment with Goals

Your employees may have their oars in the water, but do they know what direction the boat is headed? And if so, do they understand how their oars can best move the team and the organization toward its goal?

Successful managers align goals to create higher employee engagement, retention and performance

Image of group of young managers and supervisors. Click to download a white paper about High Performaing Managers from

Do You Have High Performing Managers?

The 4 Management Metrics That Matter Most

A few management metrics matter most.

Supervisors have tremendous influence on creating high levels of workforce engagement, employee performance and retention.

Yet, the majority of organizations believe their new supervisors have significant skill gaps in all three areas.

Health Check

Assess how your current managers stack up against proven management best practices.


Manager Toolkit

10 key tools for new managers to drive performance, engagement and retention.

Manager Tools

Engagement Tools

8 research-backed tools to better engage and retain your most talented employees.

Engagement Tools

Training Toolkit

10 proven tools to help your learning solutions impact your people AND the business.

L&D Toolkit


“We turned to LSA Global to help us custom design and deliver a leadership and management training curriculum to help us drive performance.

They have done an excellent job diagnosing the business situation, custom designing a solution to fit our culture, and delivering a 1st class solution with evaluation metrics, follow-up programs, and the support systems to make a real difference.”

Sally Buchanon

SVP Human Resources, Sony


Image file describing an award Situational-Leadership-Training-Programs-Bersin-Award; Clicks to a page on LSA Global Inc called LSA GLOBAL WINS LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT EXCELLENCE AWARD.LSA Global, the premier one-stop global training outsourcing and consulting firm that focuses on achieving measurable business results announced that their client, Redwood Trust (NYSE: RWT), was selected by Bersin & Associates as the Learning Leader in the Leadership Development Excellence category.

The prestigious award recognizes organizations which have developed and implemented best practice approaches to employee learning and talent management resulting in significant business improvement.

Read more here.


The Bottom Line

For a new manager to successfully take the helm, they must quickly transition from managing themselves as an individual contributor to managing others.

While most people are initially thrilled to be rewarded with a new management position, many never excel or continue to move up the ranks because they are more suited to “doing” than “managing.” Many unsuccessful new managers try the same tactics that led to victory as an individual contributor. But no manager can successfully do everyone’s job. Instead of over-reaching or micromanaging, effective managers use organizational leadership skills to plan, coordinate, communicate, motivate and delegate to get sustainable results with and through others.

Mastering the art and science of business management requires an additional set of skills to stimulate and engage others to achieve great things. To make the leap from self-sufficiency to being dependent upon the success of others requires a significant change in attitude, working style and skill set. Instead of outworking others, new managers must more consistently provide direction, share information, coordinate activities and tune into the needs and aspirations of their team.

Effective new manager training helps first-time managers to navigate this difficult transition by making sure that new managers know what is required of them in the areas of goal setting, decision making, problem solving, delegation, performance management, change management and communication.

The bottom-line is that success as an individual contributor does not guarantee success as a new manager. Technical skills alone are not enough to attract, motivate, engage, develop and retain top talent while meeting greater, wider and more complex performance demands.

To gauge your success on any management training program, always strive to measure and move at least one of the following key metrics:

  • Leadership execution effectiveness of key corporate strategies.
  • Employee attraction, development, performance, engagement and retention.
  • Project cost, quality, and time.
An LSA Global, Inc. community website

An LSA Global Community Site

New Manager and New Supervisor Training and Development best practices community is a collection of published insights describing new manager and new supervisor training and development tools, techniques, articles, assessments, research, and thought leadership. These resources are designed by management experts to provide our clients with management thought leadership.

Learn how to successfully transition from an individual contributor to a new manager.

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